Thursday, December 19, 2013

Give Yourself A Gift This Christmas!

Let this be the year that you gift yourself with THE LIFE you have always wanted!

Watch for every opportunity that comes your way to blossom into something special, even if it doesn't LOOK like what you have planned!  Sometimes we miss out on the very thing that will move us into the next chapter of our lives when we resist the necessary changes that must come to thrust us forward.
Take time out during this busy season for the midst of parties, spending days in crowds of people in the mall, doing all the expected things of the season....STOP right in the middle of all of it and take a breath....close your eyes and ask yourself what you need.  It may be a brief break to catch your breath or perhaps you need to change what you are doing.  Maybe it is making a new tradition all your own...creating something that marks this moment in time.

There is no time like THE PRESENT to start living your life to the all starts with the way we think....and then what we say and then the actions that follow.  Don't get caught up in the drama around you....go within and find the peace and then move forward with confidence!

With just days before Christmas, you have the opportunity of a lifetime, your lifetime to become WHO YOU were created to be...FIND THE JOY IN BECOMING.....just take the first step...and DON'T FORGET to enjoy the journey!

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