Saturday, August 7, 2010

THE BIG EVENT: Trenton and Renee's Wedding!

This beautiful fountain is at Lakeside Park in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin where my son Trenton and his beautiful bride Renee were married on Friday, August 6, 2010.

Proud to present to you the wedding ceremony and highlights from the reception:

Renee, my daughter in love, had every detail planned out!  Beginning with the Groomsmen meeting the girls at the convertible and having them escorted over the bridge and all the way to the gazebo…It was a neat procession…all the music was unique…

Renee had been very ill for the past week, so much so, that they were considering post-poning the wedding.  Trenton even had a wheelchair ready for her if she needed it!  Renee didn't make the rehearsal, but she made the wedding and was able to walk down the aisle! : ) 
The Happy Couple is now off to Jamaica for their honeymoon!


  1. Thank you Susan! Cat and I are smiling (wiping away a few tears) and sooooo happy for the new couple! It was great to share in the moment, even if it was the next day. And the ending to the video was absolutely PERFECT. Elliot really shows how good of a time it was.

    God bless the new couple! g

  2. Susan - what a beautiful wedding!! I pray a life full of blessings to the beautiful couple! I'm thankful Renee was able to make the wedding! Your son is very handsome and they make a most beautiful couple!! Congrats!! (this is terri b. from rfr)


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