Mr. Elliott is on his way to the garden...
...To harvest some GREENS!!!
Mr. Elliott is One Green Smoothie Machine!
He is powered by Green Smoothies!
He loves to pick greens with me in the garden!
Elliott spies some KALE!
We are picking Kale, Swiss Chard and Collards today!
Every day is a GREAT day 'cause we eat GREENS!!!
We filled up 2 bowls of GREENS in just a few minutes!
Just a few more...Please!
GREENS are full of energy and LIFE!
Elliott's a Green Smoothie, Gardening Man!
Did YOU see that chipmunk run by?
He wants some of my GREENS!
Now we are going inside to make some GREEN SMOOTHIES!
Hi, Susan! What a great helper you have. Hope you both enjoyed those green smoothies. : )