Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Give Yourself a Rest!!

Restful days are goooood for the soul!
Your soul is your mind, will and emotions...

Give your mind a rest..
Focus on your will to succeed, not just survive!
Make your emotions line up with your purpose!

Soothe the inner YOU with positive imaginings
Instead of trying to soothe yourself by eating things that no longer serve you...
Junk foods....extra food....all those things served their purpose at the time...
You didn't know anything else to do...

But you are a different person a different place...a different a different time!

Today, I challenge you to relax...
Let your new raw lifestyle unfold...  it will... really...
When old thinking comes...and it will....
Remind are a new person today!!
Think like the NEW person you are!!
Yesterday's ways won't work for bringing about positive, lasting, radical change today!!

I suggest clicking on one or more videos at once...for a very calming effect!

Click HERE for my blogs index!

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